Pharmacy is a vibrant profession filled with passionate professionals who care deeply about the public that they serve. Whether we are prescribing, designing or supplying medicines, that diverse vibrancy is our strength.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society is key to exploiting that strength, illustrating our values outside our profession and helping the workforce develop by supporting pharmacists from different disciplines and at different stages of their careers to come together and share learnings and best practice. As the professional body representing pharmacists, the Society can help stakeholders understand why pharmacists are vital in a changing health system and a competitive pharma industry.
Board members must be fully engaged in what is happening in pharmacy at a grass-roots and strategic level, understanding what pressures and challenges are preventing pharmacists from meeting their potential and what is being done to alleviate that pressure. They must listen to members and support the Society team with insight about what pharmacists need from their professional body.
The diversity of roles in our profession is testament to the Society’s success thus far; to maintain this precious diversity, we must attract new members, but equally retain them throughout their careers by giving them a place to develop and flourish.
I believe that the Society staff and board have developed a sound strategy and plan for the next year and I am confident that I have the experience, skills and relationships that will help the Society to succeed in these goals. If voted onto the board, I will use my determination and passion to ensure the continuance of a strong professional body representing all branches of our illustrious profession.
Jane Devenish, England
This is a campaign pledge for the 2018 National Pharmacy Board elections.
Voting opens on 30 April 2018 and closes on 18 May 2018.
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