Nelson Mandela — healing a nation Sybil Seoka, immediate past president of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa, writes in memory of elder statesman Nelson Mandela, who died on 5 December 2013…
How to support patients to take ownership of their medicationPatients can only benefit from their medicines if they take them correctly. Pharmacists are able to identify non-adherence and provide patients with the support they need to manage their medicines.…
How technology can assist with delivery of pharmaceutical careClinical pharmacists at the Countess of Chester Hospital are exploring new ways of using technology to improve how they manage the pharmaceutical needs of patients. Here, they share their experience…
Medicines optimisation from principles to practice: risk assessment toolsIn this article the authors describe and share risk assessment tools they developed to help pharmacists identify and assist patients at risk of medicines-related morbidity…
How to ensure that you report medication incidents effectively All pharmacists should appreciate the importance of medication incident reporting. Detailed and timely reports are used to influence changes in practice and prevent similar incidents from occurring…
Confused about the shape of the NHS in England? To complement our simplified diagram of the reformed NHS, Francesca Rivers takes a look at the various structures.…
What every pharmacist needs to know about using electronic health records Stephen Goundrey-Smith discusses issues that pharmacists should be aware of in the use of electronic health records and how they might be used to support pharmaceutical care.…
Use and efficacy of herbal medicines: Part 2 — clinical effectivenessIn this second part of a two-part article, the authors examine the efficacy and clinical effectiveness of, and evidence for, the use of herbal medicines…
Do community pharmacy counter staff have a public health role?This article aims to evaluate how community pharmacy counter staff view their role as pharmacy healthy living advisers as part of a service evaluation to develop community pharmacy’s public health role.…
Strengthening the medicines safety agenda in paediatric critical care Children and seriously ill patients are at high risk of medicines errors, so it seems obvious that safety is a particular focus in paediatric intensive care units. Here a consultant pharmacist describes her role…