Increase in overseas pharmacists applying to train to work in Great Britain Exclusive: There have been 725 applications for the Overseas Pharmacists Assessment Programme since March 2022.…
Pass rate of 56% for November 2022 registration exam Of the 937 candidates who sat the assessment, 525 passed.…
Katie Maddock: ‘Implementing clinical placements will be a seismic shock for the profession’ Stepping into the role of chair of the Pharmacy Schools Council during a shake-up of pharmacy education, Katie Maddock talks about the future for pharmacy students and foundation trainees.…
MHRA approves first vaccine in ten years to protect children against pneumococcal diseases The drugs regulator has approved an extension for Vaxneuvance (PCV15) to cover children as well as adults.…
GPhC receives record number of fitness-to-practise concerns Despite the largest number of concerns reported in any quarter, the pharmacy regulator says it is making good progress in improving its fitness-to-practise systems.…
Government decision on tougher online pharmacy regulation expected ‘shortly’ Exclusive: The Department of Health and Social Care has said it hopes to publish a review of the Care Quality Commission's functions "shortly", which will inform its decision on whether the regulator's proposals for legislative changes around online prescribing are needed.…
Pharmacy regulator has failed to meet fitness-to-practise standards for the fourth year in a row The General Pharmaceutical Council has failed to meet three standards relating to the transparency, fairness and timeliness of the fitness-to-practise process and the support available for the people involved.…
Independent prescribing pharmacist numbers total 15,000, increasing by two-thirds in two years Exclusive: There were 14,635 independent prescribers on the pharmacy register in August 2022, compared with 8,806 independent prescribers in May 2020.…
Advice for trainee pharmacists using the HEE portfolio practice-based assessments Though there were some daunting moments, Laura Healey says there are valuable lessons to be learnt from the successes of the overhauled foundation training year for pharmacists.…
Government consults on extending temporary pension rules to allow retired NHS staff to return to work Owing to backlogs from COVID-19 and "what could be a challenging winter", the government has proposed extending temporary measures that allow recently retired NHS staff to return to work without losing their pension benefits until 31 March 2023.…