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Latest Learning & CPD

Tips for building an inclusive pharmacy workforce

Management of Parkinson’s disease

Identification and management of common eye disorders

Rashes in children

Glucagon-like peptide-1 and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide analogues in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus for glycaemic control

Test your knowledge of gastrointestinal conditions

Test your knowledge of gastrointestinal conditions

Prescribing dilemma: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for heart failure in an older patient

How to conduct a health assessment for pharmacists

Prescribing dilemma: balancing risk and benefits of off-label migraine treatment in a child

Understanding human factors in patient safety when prescribing

Prescribing dilemma: balancing risk and benefit when treating sertraline sexual dysfunction

Health psychology and advanced communication skills for prescribers
Exam preparation and resources

Preparing for the GPhC registration exams: six steps to help you effectively plan your revision

Preparing for the GPhC registration exams: how to approach learning outcomes relating to professional practice

Preparing for the GPhC registration exams: how to revise learning outcomes relating to clinical knowledge and therapeutic approaches

Medication maths: how to solve dose and dosage calculations (video)

Medication maths: how to solve infusion calculations (video)

Medication maths: quantities to supply and using provided formulae calculations (video)

Medication maths: how to solve pharmacy calculations — concentrations, dilutions and health economics (video)
Minor ailments

Identification and management of common eye disorders

How to conduct a health assessment for pharmacists

How to counsel patients on the administration of nasal sprays, drops and ointments and performing nasal irrigation

Rhinosinusitis: symptoms, diagnosis and management in community pharmacy

Hypertension: pharmacological management

Case-based learning: testosterone deficiency

Bacterial conjunctivitis: diagnosis and management
Test your knowledge

Test your knowledge on mental health

Test your knowledge of minor ailments

Test your knowledge of paediatric health
Revalidation: How to use planned and unplanned learning entries to record CPD
Revalidation: how to complete a peer discussion record
Revalidation: how to complete your reflective account
Planned learning example: learning about endometriosis
Unplanned learning example: improving understanding of patient experience in acne
Peer discussion example: a locum’s view on medicine safety and near misses
Reflective account example: a community pharmacist reflects on his communication skills
How to use the new ‘RPS MyCPD’ app for pharmacy revalidation