Advanced practice

Career progression within the NHS

How to ask for a pay rise

The Chief Pharmaceutical Officer’s Clinical Fellow Scheme: from the inside

Tackling the gender pay gap: how female pharmacists can take action

Side hustles: how pharmacists can turn their passions into a money spinner

Developing the role of the critical care pharmacist
Latest Learning & CPD

Tips for building an inclusive pharmacy workforce

Management of Parkinson’s disease

Identification and management of common eye disorders

Rashes in children

Glucagon-like peptide-1 and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide analogues in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus for glycaemic control

Test your knowledge of gastrointestinal conditions

Recognition and management of delirium
Business & finance skills

Mastering the business of healthcare

A day in the life of a pharmacy business intelligence manager

How the apprenticeship levy will affect your business

What the changes to the apprenticeship levy mean for pharmacy

Setting up a pharmacy provider company to win tenders for new services

Build or buy: what’s the best route to your own pharmacy?

How pharmacists can boost sales of over-the-counter medicines

The six qualities all excellent preregistration tutors should have

Defining leadership

Learning to lead with the Mary Seacole programme: turns out I’m not a know-it-all

Why community pharmacists should undertake the Mary Seacole Programme

The Darzi experience

Evoking Darzi philosophy through a CPhO Clinical Fellowship

What to do when your preregistration trainee is unhappy with their training
People management

How to give and receive constructive feedback

How do I boost low staff morale?

How to manage staff and other pharmacy colleagues

Structured training for community pharmacy staff

What to think about when considering a management role in the NHS

Why having a mentor is so important to pharmacists working in general practice

Implementing a cold and flu training programme in the community pharmacy
Supported contentResearch skills

When to use a survey in pharmacy practice research

How to prepare a proposal for pharmacy research

How to conduct a literature review

Presenting data visually for a poster or presentation

How to understand and interpret clinical data
Supported content
How to write a research article to submit for publication