March 2024, Vol 312, No 7983
Top news stories

Medicines shortages reported to government increase by almost 70% since 2021

Almost a third of Pharmacy First consultations have been carried out in most deprived areas of England

Minor ailments prescribing service to be offered by more than 90 community pharmacies

Whooping cough resurgence as vaccination rates slump

MPharm clinical placements: a variable picture across Britain

Targeting better safety: next steps for CRISPR therapeutics

Scaling back: the pharmacies cutting opening hours to avoid closure

PJ view: Restore pharmacy opening hours to improve end-of-life care

Amira Guirguis: ‘We want to use our expertise to prepare for future threats’

Maintaining trust in science and increasing research literacy

It is time to rethink prescribing scope of practice and the DPP model for foundation training

How the London Ambulance Service is working to transform medicines management

How our pharmacy network is developing research opportunities for the profession
Learning & CPD

Pulmonary hypertension: recognition, diagnosis and management

How to identify red-flag symptoms and refer patients appropriately

Adopting a quality improvement approach to patient safety incidents

Case-based learning: gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in adults

Respiratory syncytial virus in children

Entrustable professional activities: a new approach to supervising trainee pharmacists on clinical placements

The role of community pharmacy in addressing health inequalities

Cannabidiol as a chemotherapy adjunct in cancer treatment
Your RPS

First Scottish consultant pharmacist appointed

Training pathway for clinical pharmacy academics should be in place by 2030