Foundation trainees
Exam preparation

Preparing for the GPhC registration exams: how to approach learning outcomes relating to professional practice

Preparing for the GPhC registration exams: how to revise learning outcomes relating to clinical knowledge and therapeutic approaches

How to revise for the new pharmacy registration assessment

Preparing for the GPhC registration assessment

Nine essential resources for preregistration trainees

In hindsight: reflections on the GPhC preregistration assessment

How to ace pharmacy calculations

Your pharmacy calculations prep guide

Medication maths: how to solve dose and dosage calculations (video)

Medication maths: how to solve infusion calculations (video)

Medication maths: quantities to supply and using provided formulae calculations (video)

Medication maths: how to solve pharmacy calculations — concentrations, dilutions and health economics (video)

A guide to rounding for pharmacy students and trainees

Preparing for the GPhC pharmaceutical calculations assessment

Medication maths: estimations of kidney function
Training during a pandemic: tips for new preregistration trainees
How to get through the preregistration year
A survival guide to your preregistration training
The six qualities all excellent preregistration tutors should have
Six things to look for in a pharmacy preregistration placement
Placements for pharmacy students and trainees in GP practices and primary care
What pharmacy trainees can expect from a preregistration year in the pharmaceutical industry
What pharmacy students and trainees can expect from placements in hospital pharmacy
Latest Learning & CPD

Tips for building an inclusive pharmacy workforce

Management of Parkinson’s disease

Identification and management of common eye disorders

Rashes in children

Glucagon-like peptide-1 and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide analogues in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus for glycaemic control

Test your knowledge of gastrointestinal conditions

Recognition and management of delirium
Professional dilemmas

Dilemma: when a line manager takes credit for your work

Requesting a retrospective prescription from a GP

Whistleblowing in pharmacy: know your rights and obligations

How to ensure your safety when working alone

Dispensing errors: where does responsibility lie?

How to handle online criticism