A development programme for clinical pharmacists working at GP practices in Wales will be launched by the Welsh Centre for Pharmacy Professional Education in April 2016, the Welsh government has announced.
The programme, called ‘Pharmacists in practice’, is intended to support the development of clinical pharmacists working within primary care and the sharing of good practice between them. The move follows a £6m investment from the Welsh government, announced in 2015, to expand the services available within primary care and allow GP clusters to use a wider range of healthcare professionals to deliver services to patients.
“Across Wales many GP clusters are expanding the role of pharmacists within the primary care clinical team,” says spokesperson for the Welsh government. “The Pharmacists in Practice programme… will support the continuing development of clinical pharmacists already working in clusters and those recruited by clusters in future as this role develops.”
The programme is available to all cluster and practice-based clinical pharmacists, GPs, primary care cluster leads and anyone interested in developing the role of clinical pharmacists within general medical practice, according to the Welsh government. It will involve a series of national and local learning events during 2016 and 2017.
Funding has been awarded to Cardiff University to assess the extent to which the programme supports pharmacists to implement improvements in care.