August 2024, Vol 313, No 7988
Top news stories

Pharmacy Schools Council warns of academic staff shortage amid ‘uncontrolled increase’ in MPharm courses

More than 2,000 patients tested in UK’s first routine genotyping project for clopidogrel prescribing

NHS to commission 50 pharmacies to offer RSV vaccinations from September 2024

What will it take to fix pharmacy’s stubbornly unchanged ethnicity pay gap?

Special report: the stressors burning out pharmacists

Is the General Pharmaceutical Council making progress to improve its fitness-to-practise processes?

Closing the ethnicity gap in pharmacogenomics

Changes in migraine treatment: how new classes of drugs can provide additional options for patients and prescribers

The path to independent prescribing
Supported contentOpinion

PJ view: Current testing for genetic variants risks undoing years of progress on health inequalities

The unregulated semaglutide prescribing circus

Encouraging more pharmacists to become DPPs

Lessons from testing 2,300 patients at the UK’s first CYP2C19 genotyping system

Is research really an exclusive activity or one we can all embrace?

Bringing high-quality diagnostics for COPD and asthma to north Wales

Will the government’s apparent NHS reset address pharmacy’s important issues?
Learning & CPD

Health psychology and advanced communication skills for prescribers

Schizophrenia: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Test your knowledge of diabetes

Best practice principles for inclusive care of transgender and non-binary patients

Croup: diagnosis and management

How to assess mental health when prescribing

Communicating risk: how pharmacists should use data in conversations with patients
Your RPS

Pharmacy bodies call for action to ensure access to designated prescribing practitioners

Pharmacists should have right to choose whether to be involved in assisted dying, says RPS

Latest Medicine, Ethics and Practice includes expanded sections on prescribing and valproate safety

Royal Pharmaceutical Society Assembly Meeting: July 2024