RPS needs to focus more on the needs of its members

So much of the work done by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) is positive and I greatly appreciate this, but to retain and grow the membership, we must focus more on the needs and wants of the members. The work around the Faculty is a case in point. Most grassroots members I know can see no current value in joining and building a Faculty portfolio. With the introduction of General Pharmaceutical Council’s (GPhC) revalidation, members will look to the RPS for support.

Use of the current faculty portfolio for revalidation appears to make the process far more time-consuming, expensive and complex. Thankfully, in contrast, the GPhC approach seems to be to make this process uncomplicated and straightforward to encourage ongoing regular recording. What then is the purpose and attraction of the Faculty to the majority of pharmacists? Is that the vehicle we should be using for this support?

Pharmacists need to see a benefit in being a member of the Faculty, benefit in being a member of the society. We need to attract pharmacists because they see value in what the RPS offers, not because the NHS gives points on a job application form for being a member. I am standing for the RPS Scottish Pharmacy Board and, with your vote, will work passionately towards developing a professional body that we all can value.

Alasdair Macintyre

Election candidate, Scottish Pharmacy Board

Royal Pharmaceutical Society

The candidate letters for the RPS national pharmacy board elections have not been edited by The Pharmaceutical Journal

Last updated
The Pharmaceutical Journal, RPS needs to focus more on the needs of its members;Online:DOI:10.1211/PJ.2017.20202760

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