The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has a vacancy for at least one assessor for its Qualified Person (QP) eligibility panel of assessors. Applications are invited from members of the RPS who have experience in a quality role including acting as a QP.
The RPS, Royal Society of Biology and Royal Society of Chemistry — the Joint Professional Bodies (JPB) — are required by the Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency and the Veterinary Medicines Directorate to certify individuals as eligible for nomination as a QP. Each professional body has a panel of assessors including a chair and vice chair.
The assessor role includes the review of initial written assessments and interviewing candidates. The interview panel for each assessment normally involves an assessor from each of the professional bodies.
The deadline for applications is Monday 30 January 2017.
Application materials and more information can be found online:
Questions can be directed to Rachel Norton, RPS QP officer, at: