Editor’s checklist

Please check the information below before actioning the article to a colleague


  • Have you assigned the article to the online monthly issue? (eg. Online, July 20140


  • Have you searched to see if the author already exist’s in the database?
  • Have you created a contact for your author?
  • Have you added a photo for the author?
  • Have you added the author’s contact email?
  • Have you saught permission to include author’s photo and email?
  • Have you added the author(s) in the byline section?
  • Have you ticked the Email option for corresponding authors?


  • Have you added the source journal (The Pharmaceutical Journal, Clinical Pharmacist, or Tomorrow’s Pharmacist) to categories?
  • Have added at least 4 categories that define your article?

Teaser text

  • Have you created the teaser text? 
  • ALWAYS CREATE teaser text for your files and never pass on through the workflow without a teaser text.


  • Have you created a catchline for your article?


  • has your article got a standfirst.
  • ALWASY create a standfirst for the following article types:
    • News
    • Feature
    • Editorial
    • Comment
    • Column (remember that the column article’s catchline appears in the grey box on the top. See here.
    • Q&A
    • Books and arts
    • Obituary
    • Learning
    • CPD
    • Perspective article
    • Review article
    • Practice report
    • Career feature
    • Career Q&A
    • Career profile
  • You don’t need to create standfirsts for the following article types:
    • Notice-board
    • Announcement
    • News in brief


  • Have you added the long headline (the first headline) with the right keywords that define your article?
  • Have you added the short headline (print headline)?

Article type

  • Have you chosen the right article type for your article?
  • Have you chosen the right navigation item?
    • If the article is to be published in The Pharmaceutical Journal, choose the nav item that corresponds to the article type
    • If the article is to be published in Clinical Pharmacist, Choose Clinical Pharmacist as nav item
    • If the article is to be published in Tomorrow’s Pharmacist, Choose Tomorrow’s Pharmacist as nav item
    • If the article is to be published in Your RPS, Choose Your RPS as nav item
  • ONLY ONE NAVIGATION ITEM PER ARTICLE: Have you checked to see only one navigation item is assigned?

Pull quotes

  • Have you chosen 1-2 pull quotes for your article?


  • Have you added the references?
  • Have you cross-linked references with reference numbers?

Special report

  • Is this article part of a special report?
  • Have you chosen the right tag for the special report?


  • Have you filled in an image brief for the Art Editor?
  • Have you created the proposed caption for images?
Last updated
The Pharmaceutical Journal, Editor's checklist;Online:DOI:10.1211/PJ.2014.20065911

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