The Green Party would repeal the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and pardon those already convicted of small-scale drug possession and supply, according to its 2019 general election manifesto.
The manifesto argues that the “prohibition of drug use has caused many more problems than it has solved” and says that, if elected, the Green Party would regard drug misuse “as a health issue, not a crime”.
Under this approach, the manifesto says, heroin would be available on prescription and drug consumption rooms would be established for those who inject drugs. Cannabis, “labelled according to laboratory-tested strength”, would be available through small licensed businesses and licensed cannabis social clubs would be allowed, as part of which adults could grow a limited number of domestic cannabis plants.
The manifesto adds that, if the Green Party came to power, it would establish an Advisory Council for Drug Safety — an independent expert body that would, among other functions, advise the government on “sourcing socially, ecologically sustainable supplies of opium and coca”.
The party published its revised drug policy in October 2019. As reported by The Pharmaceutical Journal
at the time, under the revised policy, “specially qualified pharmacists” would be allowed to provide adults with recreational drugs, following a short consultation.