All pharmacists working for the Cwm Taf University Health Board in South Wales have been told they should join the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) and its Faculty within the next three years to demonstrate that they provide “the highest quality care”.
The health board released a position statement that says: “All pharmacists in the Cwm Taf University Health Boards Medicines Management Directorate should be members of their professional body, the RPS, [and] should engage with the RPS Faculty and achieve membership at an appropriate level.”
This policy will gradually be adopted over the next three years. The statement document sets out a range of timescales by which it would expect new and existing staff to join the RPS and begin building a Faculty portfolio.
“I am very pleased with the enthusiastic and energised response from pharmacists to the launch of this position statement,” says Howard Rowe, head of medicines management for Cwm Taf University Health Board. “This is a time of service redesign within the Prudent Healthcare agenda, and the RPS Faculty will provide assurance that pharmacists are working to the highest level for the patients of the health board.”
Mair Davies, chair of the Welsh Pharmacy Board, says: “I am delighted with the support that Cwm Taf University Health Board are offering their pharmacists with their professional development and to achieve membership of RPS Faculty. This will enable pharmacists to be the best they can be and provide patients with an assurance that they are receiving the highest quality care.”
The statement applies to pharmacists working at three Welsh hospitals: Prince Charles Hospital, Royal Glamorgan Hospital and Ysbyty Cwm Rhondda.
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