Health Education England (HEE) has devised a new interactive online workshop to encourage discussions across the NHS and social care about its draft workforce strategy,
Facing the Facts, Shaping the Future
The new workshop aims to “crowdsource maximum insight” through online discussion threads and virtual workshops that individuals can sign up to in order to feedback on the draft strategy. It is hoped that the discussions had via the workshop will complement the local, regional and profession-specific discussions happening across England while the strategy is out for consultation.
The workforce strategy puts the Pharmacy Integration Fund (PhIF) at the centre of engaging and transforming the pharmacy workforce through seven workforce initiatives, including independent prescribing, care home training and clinical and professional leadership development.
Although the strategy acknowledges the role of pharmacy in new models of care and workforce programmes outlined in the NHS Five-Year Forward View, there is no mention of a commitment to new strategies or funding for the sector.
The consultation on HEE’s draft workforce strategy will run until 5pm on 23 March 2018.