Courtesy, Nick Treharne
John McAnaw has been re-affirmed as chair of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s (RPS) Scottish Pharmacy Board (SPB). Beginning his third term, McAnaw said that he is “delighted and humbled” to have received the support of his colleagues once again.
Looking to the future, McAnaw promised “to strengthen the Scottish identity within RPS,” while maintaining a UK-wide outlook. “We are facing some significant pieces of work both in Scotland and across Great Britain,” he said. “I will continue to ensure that the Board considers the implications of Board decisions on England and Wales (and vice versa), and that GB-wide policy and advice reflects the Scottish perspective. Where there is imbalance, I will challenge it and champion a joined-up approach.”
Returning board member Jonathan Burton was elected to vice chair of the SPB, and David Thompson retains his elected role as Scottish Pharmacy Board representative to the RPS Assembly.
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