New Department of Health and Social Care sets out plan for future

Jeremy Hunt secretary of state for health and social care

The newly created Department of Health and Social Care has set out a plan for its future following the introduction of social care into the former Department of Health’s remit.

The ‘single departmental plan’ includes five objectives for its future: to keep people healthy and support sustainable public services; to transform out-of-hospital care to keep people living healthier for longer in their community; to support the NHS to deliver high quality, safe and sustainable hospital care and secure the right workforce; to research and innovate to maximise health and economic productivity; and to ensure accountability of the health and care system to Parliament and the taxpayer.

The plan also says that the secretary of state for health and social care, Jeremy Hunt, will now take over the preparation of the government’s green paper on social care due to be published this summer.

Last updated
The Pharmaceutical Journal, New Department of Health and Social Care sets out plan for future;Online:DOI:10.1211/PJ.2018.20204314

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