Pharmacy prescribing service expected to launch in north west England from July 2023 Exclusive: NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board hopes to launch a pharmacy independent prescribing pilot service in the summer of 2023.…
Government working to reintroduce varenicline following contamination concerns Smoking cessation aid varenicline was recalled by Pfizer in October 2021 owing to the presence of a possible human carcinogen.…
Boots eliminates gender pay gap in 2022/2023 In its mandatory gender pay gap report for 2023/2023, Boots UK stated that its median hourly gender pay gap was 0%.…
Less than 70% of GP practices are actively referring patients to community pharmacy, suggests health minister The figures come after financial incentives designed to encourage GP practices to sign up to the Community pharmacist consultation service were removed for 2023/2024.…
Regional healthcare systems could help address pharmacy workforce issues, finds review The government-commissioned review called for integrated care systems to remove barriers that currently exist within primary care and promote integration and collaboration.…
Government warned repeatedly to better regulate supply of drugs online after series of deaths Exclusive: Analysis of coroner’s reports has revealed a decade-long pattern of deaths caused by overdoses from drugs supplied online, accompanied by warnings to the government that more may die without tighter restrictions.…
‘Pandemic of tragedy’: the deaths caused by gaps in online drug supply regulations In the past ten years, multiple people have died after taking drugs they purchased online, with coroners warning that people will continue to do so without tighter regulations in place.…
NHS policy team designing menopause referral service for community pharmacy The proposed referral service forms part of the Professional Record Standards Body's updated data standards.…
Boots to trial £20 type 2 diabetes screening service If deemed suitable for screening, patients will undergo a finger prick blood test and receive diagnostic test results within seven minutes.…
Proportion of people unable to buy medicines doubles in one year, government survey shows The percentage of people unable to buy the medicines they needed increased to 5%, compared with 2% in a similar time period in 2022.…