What we need is public health education, not finger pointingAlthough I do not disagree with Anthony Cox’s views on selling only evidence-based over-the-counter (OTC) medicines (The Pharmaceutical Journal 2014;293:176), his views are those of an academic working in a university and not from a pharmacist standing at a medical counter facing a sales …
Water intake affects uric acid excretionI was interested to read Tina Hawkins’s article on the treatment and prevention of gout (The Pharmaceutical Journal 2014;293:182) and would like to add a point about water intake. If excess uric acid is excreted by the kidneys, then presumably an adequate water intake and hence …
TLR5 and gut micro-organisms involved in influenza vaccine response, research suggests Researchers identify a correlation between toll-like receptor 5 expression shortly after vaccination and the subsequent magnitude of the antibody response.…
Working together for the benefit of healthcare professionals, patients and the public Jonathan Burton and Miles Mack provide a summary of the recent collaborative work between the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and the Royal College of General Practitioners.…
Science must remain at the heart of pharmacy education Reforms to undergraduate pharmacy education must reflect the clinical future of pharmacy while ensuring a strong scientific foundation.…
OTC domperidone will be missedThe antiemetic domperidone’s reclassification shows the importance of pharmacovigilance, but the loss of such a useful over-the-counter medicine ought to have been better communicated to community pharmacies.…
Community pharmacists must help conserve antibiotics As the start of another influenza season approaches, community pharmacists should educate patients so they do not request unnecessary antibiotics from their GP.…
Chokeberries aid chemotherapy, suggests study Chokeberry supplementation could be part of cancer therapy strategies.…
Community pharmacies to lose out in new £2.8bn funding deal The settlement includes £2bn, which will be delivered in fees and allowances, with the remaining £800m to be delivered through agreed drug purchase margins. …
David Plumb diesOn 14 September, David Plumb, aged 70, of Rose Cottage, Sciviers Lane, Lower Upham, Southampton, Hampshire SO32 1HB. Mr Plumb registered in 1965, was made a Fellow in 1998 and left the Society in 2010.…