Peter Collier (1930–2021)On 6 December 2021, Peter Collier FPharmS, aged 91 years, of Windsor, Berkshire. Mr Collier registered with the Society in 1951.…
NHS to launch campaign to promote careers in pharmacy and other healthcare professions experiencing shortages The recruitment campaign is being developed owing to a reported shortage of nearly 84,000 full-time equivalent staff in healthcare professions.…
Children with poorly controlled asthma should be prioritised for COVID-19 vaccination, study results suggest Researchers found that children with poorly controlled asthma were up to six times more likely to be admitted to hospital with COVID-19 than those without asthma.…
It is time to turn up the volume of the patient’s voice in pharmacy education Person-centred healthcare is central to the success of the NHS, which is why patients' views and experiences should be embedded in the undergraduate curriculum as standard.…
NHS develops dashboard to identify possible over-prescribing of prednisolone The dashboard calculates the total cumulative dose of prednisolone prescribed to patients in England in the past 12 months, allowing those at risk to be considered for alternative treatment methods.…
Hospital to offer test that cuts wait for identifying secondary infection in COVID-19 patients Results from a study on a DNA test showed it could provide accurate pathogen detection and antibiotic resistance prediction within eight hours.…
Second monoclonal antibody treatment for COVID-19 approved in the UK Sotrovimab has been approved for patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 who are at high risk of developing severe disease.…
Time-consuming process ‘puts GPs off’ community pharmacy referrals scheme According to Richard Vautrey, former chair of the British Medical Association’s GP committee, the 'Community pharmacy consultation service' takes "potentially ten minutes" to work through each referral.…
Scottish Pharmacy Board meeting: 9 November 2021 The latest meeting of the Scottish Pharmacy Board covered the workforce position statement in detail, followed by an update on progress towards 'Pharmacy 2030' and a 2022 workplan.…
Pharmacy ‘red tape’ should be cut to release time for COVID-19 booster jab delivery, say pharmacy leaders Leyla Hannbeck, chief executive officer of the Association of Independent Multiple Pharmacies, said the government should reduce workload to allow pharmacies to vaccinate more people.…