Deaths: Kathleen Bridget MackleOn 7 November 2015, Kathleen Bridget Mackle, aged 84, of Muswell Hill, London. Mrs Mackle registered with the Society in 1962 and left in 2011. …
Welsh government announces plans for clinical pharmacist development programme A development programme for clinical pharmacists working in GP practices in Wales will be launched by the Welsh Centre for Pharmacy Professional Education in April 2016, the Welsh government has announced.…
The five-year pharmacy degree: what have we learnt? Proposals for a five-year pharmacy degree – where preregistration training is integrated into undergraduate education – have been discussed since 2011. But how is the programme working in universities that already offer it?…
Deaths: Arthur Ronald Kenneth MillerOn 1 February 2016, Mr Arthur Ronald Kenneth Miller MRPharmS, aged 99, of Aspley Guise, Milton Keynes. Mr Miller registered with the Society in 1948.…
Deaths: Diana Emily KerrodOn 23 December 2015, Diana Emily Kerrod, aged 80, of Oxford, Oxfordshire. Mrs Kerrod regsitered with the Society in 1958 and left in 2011. …
How Tina Bayuse became the first pharmacist at NASA Tina Bayuse was the first pharmacist ever to work for NASA and now heads a team of four in its own pharmacy at Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, Texas.…
Tribute to John Richard WilkinsonIt is with great sadness to announce the death of John Wilkinson. He was born in Horsforth, Yorkshire, in 1930. He studied pharmacy at the University of Bradford and qualified as a pharmacist on 18 September 1952. He went on to study chemistry, becoming a chartered chemist (CChem) and Member of the …
Deaths: John Richard WilkinsonOn 11 January 2016, John Richard Wilkinson MRPharmS, aged 85, of Cowes, Isle of Wight. Mr Wilkinson registered with the Society in 1952. …
Deaths: Ronald HackOn 31 December 2015, Ronald Hack MRPharmS, aged 95, of Rye, East Sussex. Mr Hack registered with the Society in 1947 and was elected a member of the Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists in 1949.…
Deaths: Eileen ReynoldsOn 29 December 2015, Eileen Reynolds MRPharmS, aged 55, of Hightown, Liverpool. Miss Reynolds registered with the Society in 1983. …