Case-based learning: anxiety disorders There are many types of anxiety disorders with varying levels of severity. Pharmacists should know the treatment options that are available and how to support patients. …
Tribute: Ernest OldcornErnest Oldcorn qualified just after the end of the Second World War and was called up for service in the Queen Alexandra’s Military Hospital in London’s Millbank. Back in ‘Civvy Street’, he joined Timothy Whites and Taylors, working mainly in the West Country, before eventually being appoint…
Deaths: Ernest OldcornOn 14 April 2020, Ernest Oldcorn, aged 96 years, of Virginia Water, Surrey. Mr Oldcorn registered with the Society in 1945 and left in 1988. …
Community pharmacists will now be included in COVID-19 death-in-service scheme Community pharmacists are to be included in the government life assurance scheme for staff working on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic, the health secretary, Matt Hancock has announced.…
Deaths: Geoffrey SwiftOn 25 March 2020, Geoffrey Swift MRPharmS, aged 85 years, of Widnes, Cheshire. Mr Swift registered with the Society in 1955, and was recently recognised for 65 years of membership.…
Transcending boundaries: the role of pharmacists in gender identity services There has been a surge in demand for gender identity services in the UK over the past five years. Although the current role of pharmacists is limited, their potential contribution within a multidisciplinary team supporting transgender patients is beginning to emerge.…
Community pharmacies need £200m extra to stay afloat during COVID-19, trade body warns Community pharmacies need millions of pounds extra “to keep their heads above water” during the COVID-19 pandemic, pharmacy bodies have warned.…
Deaths: David WoodOn 12 April 2020, David Wood MRPharmS, aged 66 years, of Lanarkshire, Scotland. Dr Wood registered with the Society in 1976. …
Deaths: Rodney George TateOn 25 April 2020, Rodney George Tate MRPharmS, aged 85 years, of Anglesey, Wales. Mr Tate registered with the Society in 1962. …
There is a vulnerable group we must not leave behind in our response to COVID-19: people who are dependent on illicit drugs None of us are safe from COVID-19, but the health status, needs and behaviours of those who use illicit drugs leave them particularly vulnerable — pharmacists can reduce this risk, says drugs researcher Amira Guirguis.…