Community pharmacy domestic abuse support scheme to end in November 2024 Despite the 'Ask for ANI' service ending in November 2024, the UK Says No More 'Safe spaces' scheme will continue to operate.…
Electronic prescription service used to dispense 100,000 items Digital Health and Care Wales said the 100,000th medication was dispensed in Boots Old Colwyn in Conwy, North Wales.…
Pharmacy First monthly payment threshold cut for a second time The monthly threshold to qualify for a £1,000 payment was due to be increased to 30 consultations in October 2024, but this has been reduced to 20 consultations.…
Changes to hub-and-spoke legislation will be delayed, government tells CPE Community Pharmacy England says it has been told by the Department for Health and Social Care that the changes will not happen from 1 January 2025 as planned.…
Community pharmacies to receive increase in funding worth £13.2m for 2024/2025 Community Pharmacy Scotland has accepted a £13.2m uplift in the country's community pharmacy remuneration global sum, bringing the total to £232.7m for 2024/2025.…
Almost 14,000 temporary pharmacy closures reported across England in 2023, research finds North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board recorded the highest number of temporary closures (1,438) and hours lost (4,054).…
Pharmacy teams identify patients with ‘red-flag’ cancer symptoms in early diagnosis project Exclusive: Of those identified, 17 people presenting with red-flag symptoms received a formal consultation with a pharmacist during the six-month project.…
Pharmacy minister says community pharmacy contract is in ‘crisis’ Speaking at the Labour Party Conference on 24 September 2024, Stephen Kinnock said every aspect of his portfolio was “in crisis”.…
GP collective action has led to fall in Pharmacy First referrals, according to CPE poll results Just under half of respondents to the survey of pharmacy owners said it was taking longer to issue repeat prescriptions since the collective action started in August 2024.…
Cancer Research UK offers training to Tesco pharmacists to spot possible cancer symptoms Tesco pharmacists have also been trained to offer advice by the British Heart Foundation and Diabetes UK.…