Vitamin B may help reduce impact of air pollution on health Taking vitamin B may help lower the impact of air pollution on health by reducing its adverse effect on DNA methylation, a mechanism used by cells to control gene expression, according to new research.…
How chemicals and heavy metals contribute to antimicrobial resistance Evidence is emerging that biocides and heavy metals all contribute to the growing problem of antimicrobial resistance.…
Increase of ragweed pollen predicted across Europe Results of a modelling study suggest that ragweed pollen loads in Europe are likely to increase four-fold by 2050, as a result of climate change and transitions in land use.…
A cheap and easy arsenic filter for drinking water Arsenic is among the world’s most common environmental pollutants, but the methods for removing it are often too expensive for use. A research team at the University of Florida may have the answer.…
Developing antibacterial plastics Researchers in America have developed some bioplastics, made with albumin, soy or whey, that have antibacterial properties.…
Time to act: pharmacists must be prepared for environmental changesHow will the pharmacist’s role evolve as the world’s climate changes? Iain Davidson and colleagues describe the impact of the profession on the planet — and vice versa.…
Pharmacists still have time to help mitigate the effects of climate change Climate change is one of the biggest global health threats. Angela Alexander looks at how pharmacists might reduce their carbon footprint professionally and personally.…