LloydsPharmacy reports 11 percentage point increase in gender pay gap for 2021/2022 The median hourly pay gap at LloydsPharmacy was found to be 14.7% in favour of men, with women's mean hourly pay 32.1% lower than men's.…
Boots to provide mental health care service for £65 per month The service has been launched in response to a rise in patients asking for mental health advice and support in Boots pharmacies.…
Boots in talks with NHS England on COVID-19 vaccination programme The UK’s largest pharmacy multiple Boots is “in conversations” with NHS England about how it can help provide COVID-19 vaccines to patients, it has said.…
Superdrug relaunches at-home COVID-19 antibody testing service High-street multiple Superdrug has relaunched its at-home COVID-19 antibody testing service, after it had been ”voluntarily and temporarily” withdrawn in May 2020.…
Rowlands to cut pharmacy opening hours by ten hours per week from February 2021 Rowlands Pharmacy has said it will cut pharmacy opening hours by an average of ten hours per week early in 2021.…
Boots signs up for asymptomatic COVID-19 testing pilot Boots is taking part in a pilot to evaluate the effectiveness of asymptomatic COVID-19 testing for people in “high-contact” professions.…
Regulator finds almost 6% of inspected pharmacies fail to meet staffing standards Just under 6% of community pharmacies in England, Scotland and Wales have failed to meet staffing standards set by the professional regulator.…
Three-quarters of Rowlands pharmacies could cut opening hours under money-saving proposals Rowlands Pharmacy has proposed cutting back on the number of hours its pharmacies are open for in an effort to cut costs.…
Government bill could enable hub-and-spoke dispensing between separate pharmacies Legislation paving the way towards allowing legally separate pharmacies to set up shared hub-and-spoke dispensing services has been presented to Parliament.…
Toby Anderson: ‘There will be fewer pharmacies in fewer locations’ Toby Anderson, chief executive of McKesson UK, on managing LloydsPharmacy’s parent company during a crucial period for healthcare provision and pharmacy.…