Medication maths: how to solve dose and dosage calculations (video) Step-by-step video tutorials for solving pharmacy registration assessment calculations.…
Regulator to confirm registration exam arrangements for overseas candidates ‘much earlier’ in future The General Pharmaceutical Council has said it will "provide more regular updates for candidates" ahead of the July 2021 exam.…
PJ view: It is time to think beyond the pharmacy registration exam The way pharmacists entering the profession are assessed has to change to ensure they are equipped with the tools to thrive in today's NHS.…
GPhC figures show 90% pass rate for provisionally registered pharmacists in registration exam Data published by the pharmacy regulator show 90.4% of provisionally registered pharmacists have passed the March 2021 assessment.…
Pharmacists who fail their registration assessment will be offered alternative jobs or time off, employer says Exclusive: Multiple offers support to provisionally registered pharmacists who will have to stop practising if they do not pass their assessment.…
More than 2,600 candidates sat March 2021 registration assessment The General Pharmaceutical Council said that 2,670 candidates sat the registration exam, more than 200 fewer than had originally booked a place.…
Around 50 registration assessment candidates will sit test remotely in Great Britain The regulator said that 109 candidates have arranged to sit the March 2021 assessments remotely, in Britain or overseas.…
Overseas candidates will be allowed to sit registration assessment remotely, regulator says The General Pharmaceutical Council has said most candidates living in countries with a two-hour or more time difference from the UK will be able to apply to sit the registration assessment at home.…
Regulator looking at ‘flexibility’ that would allow overseas candidates to sit registration assessment The General Pharmaceutical Council has said it is “doing all we possibly can” to see if there is any flexibility for overseas candidates to sit the March 2021 registration assessment in their home countries.…
Candidates barred from sitting registration exam overseas live in countries with six-hour or more time difference The General Pharmaceutical Council has informed candidates in countries with more than a six-hour time difference from the UK that they cannot sit the exam in their home country.…