Urgent medicine pharmacy service prevents a quarter of patients from going without drugs Just under one in four patients would have gone without their medicine if a pharmacist had not supplied it via the NHS Urgent Medicines Supply Advanced Service…
Pharmacy teams given dental advice to treat patients in the community Dental and pharmacy teams have produced factsheets for pharmacies across Health Education England’s London and south east England area…
Pharmacists support emergency departments during winter pressure spike Pharmacists are being called in to support emergency departments as winter pressures force tens of thousands of NHS elective operations and routine outpatient appointments to be postponed.…
Independent prescribing by paramedics under consideration Paramedics may become the latest health profession to be given the power to prescribe…
Innovative projects could help reduce pressure on A&E and other healthcare services An app that shows patients with minor injuries where they can access the quickest treatment is one of eleven healthcare innovation projects being backed by NHS England.…
Pharmacists key to sustainable staffing plans in emergency departments, says report The role of the pharmacist is an integral part of a plan set up by leading health bodies to ensure sustainable staffing in emergency departments.…
New urgent care plans could see pharmacists dispatching ambulances Pharmacists could be given the power to dispatch ambulances as part of a push to increase the role of pharmacy in urgent care, a conference in Manchester has been told.…
Why we should increase access of EHC to women, rather than restrict it Barriers, such as a price premium, should be removed to allow easier access to emergency hormonal contraception.…
Research about emergency department pharmacistsI would like to bring readers’ attention to our research study ‘An investigation of EmergeNcy Department PharmAcist PractitionERs in the United Kingdom’ (the ENDPAPER study) led by researchers at the University of Manchester. Funded by the UK Clinical Pharmacy Association and Pharm…
Online pharmacy sells emergency contraception for £4.99 Emergency contraception can be bought online in the UK for as little as £4.99.…