The views expressed in this letter are those of the author. If you would like to submit a letter to The Pharmaceutical Journal, please click here.
I would like to express my concern about the roll-out and delivery of the pharmacotherapy service, as detailed in the 2018 Scottish General Medical Services (GMS) contract. This service was originally due to start on 1 April 2021, but has already been delayed until 2022–2023. Primary care pharmacists or technicians in Scotland may be wondering how this will evolve over the next year and beyond.
Recruitment for this pharmacotherapy role in primary care will surely reduce the workforce in community and or hospital sectors. Are there enough new pharmacist graduates to fill those posts? The GMS contract was agreed by the members of the British Medical Association, but it seems the pharmacy profession may find it challenging to provide the staff to fulfil the contract.
I would be interested to hear the views of other members of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society.
Anonymous, member, Royal Pharmaceutical Society