Campaign letter for RPS elections 2021: Thorrun Govind on leadership

This is a campaign letter for the 2021 RPS national pharmacy board elections. The views expressed in this letter belong to the author. Find out more about the RPS elections.

We are pharmacy, together.

Inclusive and authentic leadership, to me, means a continued commitment through the difficult conversations and the celebrations. It’s going through the highs and the lows with your colleagues.

As a profession, there are going to be challenges to the very core of our beliefs. I will help ensure that a balanced view is heard and we do what’s right for our fantastic profession. Leadership isn’t about the title, it’s about the goal.

You are leaders in your workplaces, for patients and in championing the work of pharmacy and pharmacists.

Over the past year (one of the toughest our profession has ever faced), we have had lots of recognition from our colleagues in other healthcare settings and from the public; however, there is still a long way to go.

As a profession, we shouldn’t have to ask for a seat at the table. We should automatically be there. Every single one of us can play a part in achieving this. Whether it is speaking to the next generation of future pharmacists at school careers events, supporting preregistration pharmacists or being a mentor to those within the profession or externally, we are all helping to raise the profile of the profession.

We can all play a part in ensuring that the voice of pharmacy as a profession is heard, enabled by our professional body.

United we stand.

Together we are pharmacy.

Thorrun Govind, election candidate, English pharmacy board, Royal Pharmaceutical Society

Last updated
The Pharmaceutical Journal, Campaign letter for RPS elections 2021: Thorrun Govind on leadership;Online:DOI:10.1211/PJ.2021.1.79215

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