Campaign letter for RPS elections 2021: Ojali Negedu on why diverse leadership is vital for pharmacy

This is a campaign letter for the 2021 RPS national pharmacy board elections. The views expressed in this letter belong to the author. Find out more about the RPS elections.

As we mark 18 decades since the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS)’s formation, this is our opportunity to ensure that diverse and collaborative leadership is at the essence of RPS leadership.

By doing this, we allow our profession the necessary guidance and more comprehensive governance that will secure its future, fulfil our society’s objectives, and make our profession one where everyone feels that they belong, are valued and recognised.

I believe that our professional leadership bodies need to be a composite of both the diversity of our population and the pharmacy profession to effectively canvas the needs of the whole profession. Diverse backgrounds in culture, ethnicities, and sectors limit the likelihood of ‘groupthink’, allowing all aspects of our profession to have their voice heard to collectively develop and implement strategies to support and advance the whole profession.

This collaborative approach will reassure and provide our colleagues in practice the confidence that they are listened to, seen, and actively supported. Recognising the growing need and importance of having a multisector approach to champion our profession to the public and other healthcare professionals increases our engagement locally and nationally.

As the RPS looks forward to a sustainable and credible future, I genuinely believe embracing collaborative and representative leadership will transform our profession’s culture. It is crucial for current pharmacy students and the next generation of pharmacy professionals to see that they are joining an attractive professional body, one whose leadership will be responsive to their broader needs.

Through understanding and empathy of real-world practice, we can collectively and better develop and implement strategies and guidance to support best practice in cultivating the whole profession.

It is my firm opinion that diverse and inclusive leadership among those appointed to the RPS board roles will build on the current governance needed to:

  • Address issues raised by all members of our profession;
  • Develop an inclusive culture of belonging and, as a result, our profession thrives;
  • Motivate pharmacy colleagues so that we are excited about its future. 

We need to continue to work towards a profession relevant to and in step with the ever-changing healthcare landscape and population needs. Simultaneously nurturing an inclusive culture and one of ownership where current and future pharmacy professionals see themselves represented in the breadth of policies and advocacy in which the RPS provides. 

Ojali Negedu, election candidate, English pharmacy board, Royal Pharmaceutical Society

Last updated
The Pharmaceutical Journal, Campaign letter for RPS elections 2021: Ojali Negedu on why diverse leadership is vital for pharmacy;Online:DOI:10.1211/PJ.2021.1.79316

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