Pharmacy must embrace the power of unity

Reflecting on my experience as a local branch careers officer for the RPSGB, as it once was in my earlier career, I developed a strong commitment to serving my professional leadership body, and I played a pivotal role in supporting the Local Pharmacy Forums during the launch of the Pharmacy Faculty. Those networking opportunities allowed me to connect with fellow colleagues, become inspired, and foster a sense of community that I have deeply missed for some time. Now more than ever, the pharmacy profession is encountering significant challenges while managing the diverse needs of an ageing population. In the face of these challenges, emphasising the importance of unity is paramount.

In addition to these challenges, we must address the need for better empowerment of the community pharmacy sector to fully utilise the skills of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. What needs to happen is a better utilisation of resources and maximising the expertise of the entire community pharmacy team, with the addition of protected learning time to continually develop with an improved reimbursement model for services that are offered.

This is limited by the lack of a collective voice in the pharmacy profession. When we unite to advocate for the advancement of pharmacy practice and the welfare of our patients, we increase our chances of being heard by government and the public. Whether we’re advocating for pharmacists’ role in primary care, pushing for improved access to essential medications, or supporting career advancements in hospital pharmacy, our unity amplifies our impact. Whether it’s maintaining professionalism or advocating for ethical practices, our unity serves as a beacon of trust and credibility.

Our primary focus should be on unity to overcome these obstacles. By uniting our voices and working together with other pharmacy organisations and representative bodies, we can advocate for setting higher education standards and promoting preferred career routes for pharmacists at all stages of their careers. This collaborative approach will enable us to address the fragmented leadership and ensure that inclusive and representative subgroups are established to serve the diverse needs of our profession.

I urge each one of you to embrace the power of unity within our profession. Together, we can address the challenges of fragmented leadership, lack of collaboration, and insufficient representation. This is the reason that I am eager to serve with conviction and make a meaningful impact, and I am sincerely grateful for your support and your vote.

Minesh Parbat

Last updated
The Pharmaceutical Journal, PJ, May 2024, Vol 312, No 7985;312(7985)::DOI:10.1211/PJ.2024.1.312844

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