Time changes everything, except true friendships made at the School of Pharmacy of Aberdeen Robert Gordon’s Institute of Technology (RGIT; now Robert Gordon University). Come back to reconnect, recapture, and recreate your special moments at your class of 1986 reunion!
Mark 18 May 2019 on your calendar. Enjoy the camaraderie of old friends and the opportunity to revisit your favourite places on campus.
We are planning a reunion that will go down in class history. The historic venue is the Sandman Signature Hotel in Aberdeen’s St Andrew’s Street — better known to us as our old college lecture rooms.
The first steps of planning are underway and the word is spreading on social media, but we are now seeking to find the remaining college alumni.
I appreciate that a 29-year reunion marks a slightly odd milestone, but now is as good a time as any to reignite old friendships and it’s a good excuse to hold a celebration for those of you who have recently celebrated a milestone birthday.
If you joined the School of Pharmacy at Aberdeen RGIT in 1986 and graduated in 1990, please get in touch with Anne-Marie King (née Webster) at annemarieking6@icloud.com for more details.
Anne-Marie King, chief officer, Northamptonshire and Milton Keynes LPC