The narrow age range chosen for the RSV vaccination programme is disappointingI am a retired pharmacist and friends are asking me why there is such a narrow age range for older adults chosen for the NHS vaccination programme against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which is due to begin in September 2024.Get unlimited access to all contentYou’ve reached your limit of premium articles on The Pharmaceutical Journal for this month.Already an RPS member or registered? Log inBecome a member of the RPS or subscribe to continue reading and access the full range of information and news on pharmacy. Become a member or subscribeRegister for free to keep on readingAccess two premium articles as a registered user. RegisterAlready an RPS member or registered? Log inGet unlimited access to all contentYou’ve reached your limit of premium articles on The Pharmaceutical Journal for this month.Already an RPS member or registered? Log inBecome a member of the RPS or subscribe to continue reading and access the full range of information and news on pharmacy. Become a member or subscribeRegister for free to keep on readingAccess two premium articles as a registered user. RegisterAlready an RPS member or registered? Log inGet unlimited access to all contentYou’ve reached your limit of premium articles on The Pharmaceutical Journal for this month.Already an RPS member or registered? Log inBecome a member of the RPS or subscribe to continue reading and access the full range of information and news on pharmacy. Become a member or subscribeRegister for free to keep on readingAccess two premium articles as a registered user. RegisterAlready an RPS member or registered? Log inGet unlimited access to all contentYou’ve reached your limit of premium articles on The Pharmaceutical Journal for this month.Already an RPS member or registered? Log inBecome a member of the RPS or subscribe to continue reading and access the full range of information and news on pharmacy. Become a member or subscribeRegister for free to keep on readingAccess two premium articles as a registered user. RegisterAlready an RPS member or registered? Log in Last updated 5 July 2024 11:43