The RPS must become a royal college

I am writing to express my strong belief in the necessity for the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) to elevate its status to that of a royal college. This transformation is essential for advancing our profession, ensuring we are equipped to meet the evolving demands, roles and responsibilities, via a central representative body. As an attendee of the 2022 AGM, where 51% of us supported this motion, I am perplexed that we are not closer to achieving royal college accreditation. 

As a portfolio pharmacist, I have witnessed first hand the pivotal role the RPS plays in advocating for members and the profession across sectors, but I also recognise the gaps. Having been an active RPS member for ten years, since commencing my MPharm, I have always valued the importance of membership but I am highly aware many are not members. It is clear there are various influencing factors but the greatest concerns remain as lack of representation and unified voice, membership benefits and structured development. A step towards addressing these concerns can be achieved by solidifying the RPS as the central professional voice, truly empower our profession and stand within the healthcare ecosystem by transitioning into a royal college. 

Becoming a royal college signifies a milestone; this is not just granting recognition or a status matter, it will bring another lens of accountability. Additionally, many have experienced the addition of MRPharmS or equivalent on a signature starting a flurry of confusion in the multidisciplinary teams around the lack of a royal college in our profession. 

We must recognise the positive impact a royal college status brings: elevation of pharmacy profile, fostering a sense of pride and unity, and strengthening our influence in policy and the strategic direction of healthcare. 

Additionally, royal college status further widens our scope of influence when addressing professional challenges, breadth of network influence and collaboration, be this in healthcare organisations, academic institutions or government in driving innovation and the advancement of healthcare. 

In conclusion, the RPS transitioning into a royal college is not merely a symbolic gesture; it is a strategic necessity that empowers our profession, enhances patient care and ensures ‘a seat at the table’. 

Thank you for considering my perspective on this significant matter. I look forward to seeing the RPS thrive and gaining royal college accreditation. 

Aiysha Raoof

Last updated
The Pharmaceutical Journal, PJ, May 2024, Vol 312, No 7985;312(7985)::DOI:10.1211/PJ.2024.1.311299

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