Database of level 1 Healthy Living Pharmacies published

Leyla Hannbeck, chief pharmacist at the National Pharmacy Association

The Royal Society for Public Health has published an online register of pharmacies that have achieved level 1 status as a Healthy Living Pharmacy (HLP).

Split into regions, the database, which will be updated monthly, includes all pharmacies that have successfully completed the level 1 self-assessment process and have consented to be included.

It does not, however, list pharmacies that have previously gained local accreditation as HLPs.

So far, more than 1,100 pharmacies are listed as meeting the requirement across England.

Achieving HLP status is part of the quality payments scheme which came into force in December 2016.

Leyla Hannbeck, chief pharmacist at the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) explained that the HLP level 1 quality criterion is worth 20 quality points out of a total possible 100 points amounting to a potential payment of £1,280.

Level 1 status is granted to pharmacies who meet 27 set criteria determined by Public Health England and supported by evidence validated by the Royal Society for Public Health.

Ms Hannbeck said while this may be seen as a large number of criteria to meet, and involves training for members of the pharmacy team, achieving the level 1 HLP Status “will have a positive impact on the pharmacy and its patients”. 

Being a Healthy Living Pharmacy means having at least one member of staff trained as a ‘Health Champion’, another who has undertaken leadership training, ensuring the pharmacy team engage with patients and the public to provide advice and support; encouraging local charities and organisations to work with the pharmacy to deliver key health messages; and having a Health Promotion Zone with up-to-date health and well-being information tailored to the local community.

“An HLP will clearly stand out within a community as it will display an ‘HLP logo’ on its shop front and pharmacy leaflets,” she said. 

“As such, an HLP will improve the public’s perception of community pharmacy and the services provided as well as improving the relationship with local communities and with other healthcare professionals and commissioners.”

Pharmacy contractors wishing to meet the HLP quality criteria for the November review point can find further information from the NPA HLP suite of resources.

Last updated
The Pharmaceutical Journal, Database of level 1 Healthy Living Pharmacies published;Online:DOI:10.1211/PJ.2017.20203437

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