John Jolley (1945–2024)

Image of John Jolley

On 26 August 2024, John Jolley, aged 79 years, of London. Mr Jolley was a former member of the Society. 

John Jolley obtained a BSc Honours degree in pharmacy and a research fellowship at Boots, where he worked on formulation development, during which time he published several technical papers.

John then joined Beecham Products UK as a management trainee and was later appointed general manager of a Beecham subsidiary in Ireland. He then returned to Beecham headquarters in London, where he worked as special products adviser to the divisional managing director for Beecham Products.

Later, John joined Boehringer Ingelheim UK as technical director and remained there for 15 years before leaving to establish Pharma Consult, an International technical and training consultancy working with associates in the United States, as well as countries across Latin America and Asia.

During his varied career, John held positions with responsibility for clinical research, product registration, manufacturing, distribution, quality assurance and general management. He was a good supporter of the local Slough branch of the then Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) and several meetings of the branch were held in Boehringer Ingelheim when he was running the factory. 

As chair of the Industrial Pharmacists Group of the then RPSGB, John was its delegate to the European Group (EIPG) and acted as the meeting chair of European Industrial Pharmacists Group for the 2009 General Assembly.

John was awarded Fellowship of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) and, in 2003, was elected to serve on the RPS council as its treasurer.

In 1998, he became consultant lead assessor of the Chartered Quality Institute. In 2015, he was invited to join the worshipful Society of Apothecaries and granted freedom of the City of London.

Jane Nicholson and Gino Martini

Last updated
The Pharmaceutical Journal, PJ, September 2024, Vol 313, No 7989;313(7989)::DOI:10.1211/PJ.2024.1.328992

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