Pharmacy Voice / PSNC
The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee and Pharmacy Voice have launched the next phase of the ‘Community pharmacy forward view’ in the form of a ‘Making it Happen’ document and website.
The ‘Community pharmacy forward view’, published in August 2016 as a counter-measure to the government’s threat to cut community pharmacy funding, outlined the community pharmacy sector’s shared vision for the future. It envisaged three core roles for pharmacy: the facilitator of personalised care for people with long-term conditions; the first port of call for episodic healthcare advice and treatment; and the neighbourhood health and well-being hub.
Many of the ideas set out in the original document have been reflected in the recommendations of the recently published government-commissioned ‘Independent review of community pharmacy clinical services’, known as the Murray review.
The ‘Making it Happen’ document, published on 19 January 2017, is the next phase of the project, and focuses on how to deliver this shared vision by setting out pathways for the policy change, professional development and partnership working required to deliver the vision.
A microsite — www.cpfv.info — has also been set up to provide resources for pharmacy teams, including an outline implementation framework for delivering the ‘Community pharmacy forward view’ vision and case studies from pharmacy organisations that are pioneering new ways of working.
The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee and Pharmacy Voice are inviting feedback through the microsite from community pharmacy leaders, front-line teams and their local partners on implementation pathways for each of the three future roles for community pharmacy described in the ‘Community pharmacy forward view’.