NHS England
NHS England has appointed a new chief pharmaceutical officer for England, who will take on the role from February 2022.
David Webb, who currently holds the position of chief pharmacist and clinical director for pharmacy and medicines optimisation at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, will succeed Keith Ridge, who has spent 16 years in post.
As chief pharmaceutical officer for England, Webb will become the principal adviser to the Department of Health and Social Care on pharmacy and medicines use in the UK and the senior responsible officer for reducing inappropriate prescribing of antibiotic medicines.
In a statement, Webb said: “I’m very proud to be appointed to be chief pharmaceutical officer and to lead the next stage of the transformation of pharmacy practice working with colleagues across the healthcare system to support them, listen to them and enable them to continue to deliver to the highest standards, helping the NHS recover services, improve the use of medicines for patients in the 21st century and deliver on important ‘Long-term plan’ commitments.”
Webb first registered as a pharmacist in 1986 and has been the regional chief pharmacist for London, director of regional specialist pharmacy services for London, East and South East England and led the review of specialist pharmacy services for England in 2014.
He has also had a number of academic appointments at the University College London School of Pharmacy, including that of visiting professor, and is a Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS).
Thorrun Govind, chair of the RPS’s English Pharmacy Board, congratulated Webb on his appointment, adding: “This transition comes at a crucial moment and, with further changes in the next few years, it is vital that the RPS, NHS England and leaders across pharmacy continue working together on key issues, such as the future of pharmacy education, staff wellbeing and advancing pharmacy practice.”