Nick Treharne
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) in Wales has responded positively to A healthier Wales: our plan for health and social care, a new long-term plan for health and social care published by the Welsh government on 11 June 2018.
Prominent in the new approach is a focus on integrated health and social care.
“A service based mainly on a medical model of health, and a separate system of social care, is not fit for the future,” wrote Andrew Goodall, director general for health and social services and chief executive of NHS Wales, in an introduction to the plan.
The plan also emphasised the need to shift services from hospitals to local communities, and for services to support ongoing wellbeing as well as treatment of illness.
“This high level plan provides the direction for the radical transformation of health and social care services that is needed in Wales,” said Suzanne Scott-Thomas, chair of the RPS Welsh Pharmacy Board. “There are already pockets of innovative pharmacy practice that are making a positive difference to patient care … we have long advocated that pharmacy services can play an important role in helping to rebalance the provision and reconfiguration of services in Wales: moving services upstream, keeping people out of hospital wherever possible, treating ill health and preventing the development of long-term complications.
“It is clear that action is now needed at pace and we are keen to work closely with the Welsh government, NHS Wales, our members and other colleagues to contribute to the transformation programme.”
A Healthier Wales will be supported by the new £100m transformation fund, details of which were announced by Vaughan Gething, Welsh cabinet secretary for health, social care and wellbeing, in February 2018.
The full plan is available to download from the Welsh government’s website.
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