Tribute: Joy Wingfield

Those of us who knew Joy have been completely shocked and saddened by her untimely death after catching COVID-19. Although I write this tribute on behalf of the Retired Pharmacists Group, my personal knowledge of Joy goes back to our pharmacy student days at ‘Chelsea’ in the late 1960s! Happy memories, and even in those days she had her own style of getting things done. A distinguished career followed. Her focused approach, expertise and calm wisdom, accompanied by a wicked sense of humour are remembered fondly by many of her pharmacy friends, colleagues and former students.  She has made an enormous contribution to our profession on lots of levels, but Joy is perhaps most remembered in her legal capacity. She closely followed developments in the profession and was quick to comment when legislation failed to keep pace or needed to be enforced.

Joy joined the Retired Pharmacists Group soon after it was formed. She was a regular attender at our annual conference where she always contributed insightful suggestions and comments to our discussions. She was also a regular participator in our social events, as well as organising events herself around Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. Although she had other commitments in the University of the Third Age and Women’s Institute, she always found time to organise at least one event per year for us. Joy had a talent for finding places to visit that were out of the ordinary, such as the Ruddington Frame Knitters Museum and the Veolia recycling plant. She had organised a guided walk for 2020 around Nottingham to explore the Watson Fothergill architecture which, of course, had to be cancelled. We will have to rearrange it in her memory. She will be greatly missed by the retired pharmacists. Our thoughts are with Joy’s family and those close to her.

Mary Tompkins

Last updated
The Pharmaceutical Journal, PJ, March 2021, Vol 306, No 7947;306(7947)::DOI:10.1211/PJ.2021.1.49656

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