Twitter chat on the ethnicity pay gap in pharmacy to be held

PJ mind the gap

On Wednesday 12 December 2018 at 20:00 (GMT), The Pharmaceutical Journal will be hosting an hour-long Twitter chat to discuss the issue of ethnicity and pay in UK pharmacy using #PJMindTheGap.

The online discussion was prompted by the results of The Pharmaceutical Journal’s annual Salary and Satisfaction Survey, which showed a statistically significant ethnicity pay gap of 15.5% in favour of white pharmacists.

The Twitter chat will allow participants to discuss evidence for an ethnicity pay gap in UK pharmacy and other professions, possible reasons for its existence and potential solutions. 

Anyone wanting to share their experiences relating to ethnicity and pay, but who wish to remain anonymous, can email

Once it begins, the discussion can be followed at The Pharmaceutical Journal Twitter account (@PJOnline_News).


Last updated
The Pharmaceutical Journal, Twitter chat on the ethnicity pay gap in pharmacy to be held;Online:DOI:10.1211/PJ.2018.20205891

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