Funding of £4m is being made available by the UK government to support projects that tackle the global challenges of antimicrobial resistance.
Between 2 and 12 schemes are expected to receive funding as part of the initiative, with awards expected to range from £200,000 to £2m.
The government has pledged to cover the capital costs of any successful application from a university, hospital or research or technology organisation and 50% of capital expenditure for projects run by private organisations.
The kind of projects that will be considered for funding under the initiative include those that focus on the infrastructure around the development and evaluation of a new drug or device or the establishment of a global multi-centre clinical trial.
The funding initiative is being managed by Innovate UK on behalf of the Department of Health and is part of the UK government’s five-year antimicrobial resistance strategy[1]
, launched in 2013.
Applications must come from UK organisations and projects must be based in the UK.
[1] Department of Health and Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs. UK Five-Year Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy 2013 to 2018. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/244058/20130902_UK_5_year_AMR_strategy.pdf (accessed September 2016)