On 21 December 2024, Vian Nazhat MPharmS, aged 61 years, of London. Ms Nazhat registered with the Society in 1995.
Vian was of Iraqi Kurdish origin and obtained her pharmacy degree from the University of Baghdad. She initially worked as a pharmacist in Iraq.
In 1991, she left Iraq and travelled to England to join her parents. She started her pharmacy career in the UK as a volunteer in the sterile unit at the Royal London Hospital and subsequently became employed as a pharmacy technician. After undertaking an overseas pharmacist conversion course at Sunderland University in 1993/1994, she completed her preregistration year in Tower Hamlets/Newham.
Vian registered as a pharmacist in the UK in 1995 and then moved to Newham General Hospital, where she spent the next 21 years. She started as a junior pharmacist and gradually took on more responsibilities, eventually being promoted to the position of deputy site lead. When Newham University Hospital merged to form Barts Health NHS Trust, Vian became the overall education and training lead for the pharmacy team across the entire trust.
She was known throughout her career for being incredibly hard working, professional and committed to whatever task or project she took on. She worked to very high standards and was very thorough. This was recognised when she won the Newham Hospital Trust ‘Chairman’s Awards’ in 1999 and 2008 for dedication to the organisation
Vian’s organisational skills were exceptional, which helped her lead in the accreditation of Newham University Hospital in 2008 for the joint programme board clinical pharmacy diploma training and again in 2014 for all of Barts Health NHS Trust.
Over the years, Vian touched the lives of many pharmacists by training and developing hundreds of preregistration and junior pharmacists. As the lead for education and training, she organised rotas and education and training for more than 30 junior pharmacists at a time, across five hospital sites.
Vian supported many of her pharmacy colleagues, including chief pharmacists, in their new roles. She was a caring and supportive individual who prided herself on being fair to everyone.
Many pharmacists have since expressed their appreciation for the excellent training they received from her, as well as the skills and high standards she instilled in them. A memorial event is being organised to celebrate Vian’s contributions to pharmacy.
If anyone would like to attend, please contact vianmemorial@gmail.com
Thanam Ravagan
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