My voyage to the Antarctic as a woman in STEMM

Reflecting on her expedition to the Antarctic, Sharon Pfleger, pharmaceutical public health consultant at NHS Highland, says pharmacists “can all commit to act and lead the way for more sustainable medicines use” to help address the climate crisis.
Photo of a woman smiling at the camera, with a sea of ice and penguins behind her

It was 3am. Slam, shudder, heave. This repeated at ten second intervals the whole night and all of the next day. I was in the middle of the Weddell Sea on a small expedition ship en route to the Antarctic Peninsula in the biggest seas the captain had ever seen, sailing the Southern Ocean. Huge, 24-foot waves were battering the ship. My cabin was near the front and I was certainly witnessing the effects of climate change. There were strange straps on the beds — now I knew why. It was difficult to stay on top of it and there was no chance of sleep. 

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