The Pharmaceutical Journal
Established in 2023, the Outstanding Pharmacy Early-Career Researcher Award (OPERA) recognises researchers in the early stages of their careers who are making significant contributions to advance research across any aspect of pharmacy practice or pharmaceutical sciences. We are therefore delighted to announce that nominations are now open for the 2025 award.
OPERA 2025 is open to all UK-based pharmacists/pharmacy technicians/pharmaceutical scientists conducting research on any aspect of pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences or health services research. This includes, but is not limited to, researchers working in academic and clinical settings (e.g. GP practices/community pharmacies/hospitals).
For guidance on the nomination process and what to include in the application, please read the information below and fill out our nomination form.
The RPS is committed to making inclusion and diversity central to the way we champion the pharmacy profession, and this commitment extends to its award recipients. We encourage each nominator to consider nominating candidates from all genders, races, backgrounds, and from all the nations of the UK.
Self-nominations are welcome and eligible candidates from across the pharmacy research community are encouraged to apply.
Who can be nominated?
Anyone who fulfils the following criteria will be considered for the shortlist:
- Early career, at the time of nomination undertaking: a predoctoral training Fellowship; doctoral training; post-doctoral research (having obtained their PhD within the past eight years, pro rata, and excluding career breaks) — or equivalent research experience;
- Authoring high-quality research papers and demonstrating potential to achieve world-leading status in their field;
- Affiliated to a UK-based institution or organisation (professional body, primary care centre, hospital, community pharmacy, higher education institution). Nominees or nominators do not need to be a member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society;
- Actively engaged in research that is genuinely grounded in pharmacy or pharmaceutical sciences;
- Not have been a previous winner of this award. Previous nominees who were not shortlisted are welcome to apply again.
Who can nominate?
We invite nominations from any individual who has in-depth knowledge of the nominee’s research and achievements. Nominators do not need to be at a senior career level but should have an in-depth knowledge of the nominee’s research and achievements.
We would ask that individuals only nominate one nominee, if possible, as we aim to publish a diverse shortlist of early-career researchers from a wide variety of disciplines and locations.
How to nominate someone
Nominations can be submitted by anyone with the permission of the nominee. Self-nominations are also permitted.
Individuals can submit a nomination or self-nomination by completing the nomination form.
Please ensure all the required information in the nomination form is provided. We will be unable to accept partially completed nominations.
Successful nominations will contain substantial, quantitative evidence relating to the originality, quality and scientific merit of outputs; impact, translation and application of research for the field of pharmacy; and independence, creativity and public engagement of the researcher. Those self-nominating will also need to include testimonials from relevant referees, such as researchers, employers or funders.
Please note that the details of all nominees are anonymised by members of The Pharmaceutical Journal team prior to sharing with the independent judging panel. The details of the nominator are not shared with the panel.
The deadline for nominations is 23:59 on 16 February 2025.
Who are we looking for?
Nominees will be assessed on the following criteria:
- Research output: originality, quality and scientific merit of research output;
- Impact: translation and application of research for the field of pharmacy/pharmaceutical sciences;
- Wider engagement of the researcher.
The individual circumstances and diversity of candidates will be taken into account when drawing up the final shortlist. You will also have the option to submit any information on protected characteristics, or other personal factors, that may be relevant to the application and should be considered when reviewing the nomination.
Examples of additional evidence could include:
- Testimonials from colleagues and/or patients and the public;
- Local recognition of success; for example, prizes, awards.
Please ensure the evidence is as recent as possible. Incomplete evidence will only be accepted and considered in the context of the whole application.
How will my nomination be judged?
Nominations will be assessed by The Pharmaceutical Journal team and a panel of external judges to create a shortlist.
Shortlisted candidates may be invited to an online interview or requested to submit a statement or audio summary of their research in terms of its scientific merit and application to pharmacy.
The shortlist will be published in The Pharmaceutical Journal (see the OPERA 2024 shortlisted nominees).
The OPERA 2025 winner will receive:
- A glass trophy with inscription and formal certificate;
- Coverage of their work by The Pharmaceutical Journal, including an interview;
- An invitation to give a 30-minute presentation about their work at the next RPS Annual Conference;
- An invitation to write an editorial/perspective article for any of the four RPS research journals (please note that an editorial may be subject to peer review and acceptance cannot be guaranteed);
- Full APC waiver for one article in RPS Pharmacy and Pharmacology Reports or one article that is made free to view for one year in Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology,International Journal of Pharmacy Practice or Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research (any submission would be subject to peer review and acceptance cannot be guaranteed).
For more information
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact us at: editor@pharmaceutical-journal.com
Nomination form:
To open the nomination form in a new browser window, click here.
The deadline for nominations is 23:59 on 16 February 2025.