RPS elections 2024: Alisdair Jones
English Pharmacy Board candidate

I am the current treasurer of the RPS and have been a board member for three years. During that time, I have focused on developing policy that protects and develops the interests of pharmacists as well as the general public, as well as pushing for organisational reform which has led to the Firetail review, due to report later this year. In addition, I am treasurer of the PDA Union.
I currently work as a prescribing pharmacist and trainee advanced clinical pharmacist in a frailty virtual ward, with further part-time roles in oncology and academia. Previously, I have worked in hospital, general practice, and in community pharmacy as a locum.
I am particularly interested in education and feel the RPS needs to continue to expand its offering to its members at all stages of their career, in turn providing credentialing and defined career pathways.