HEE to extend opportunities for preregistration pharmacists in GP practices Health Education England has announced the expansion of a preregistration training pilot scheme that offers trainee pharmacists the opportunity to split their time between general practice and community or hospital pharmacy. …
Every primary care network to get £38,000 to fund new clinical pharmacist role in 2019 Every primary care network in England is to receive £38,000 in recurrent funding to hire a “clinical pharmacist” from July 2019.…
Nine in ten places on GP practice preregistration pilot scheme filled Health Education England has seen a 90% fill rate for its GP preregistration pilot scheme, which is due to start in the summer of 2019.…
Pharmacists able to update GP patient records with flu vaccine data from winter 2019 Exclusive: Pharmacists will be able to share data on patients’ flu vaccinations with GPs from winter 2019, using NHS Digital’s new data sharing standards.…
NHS 10-year plan: pharmacists to expand role under £4.5bn scheme to establish “primary care networks” Networks of GP surgeries could receive financial incentives generated by employed pharmacists under a new long-term plan for the NHS.…
Pharmacists in GP surgery scheme achieves almost blanket coverage in city A programme designed to increase joint working between community pharmacists and GPs has deployed a pharmacist in all but two of a city’s GP surgeries.…
New NHS Digital data standard to improve communication between pharmacists and GPs NHS Digital has published a new data standard aimed at improving communications between pharmacists and GPs.…
Pharmacist prescribing support releases GP capacity, Scottish project shows Prescribing support from specialist pharmacy staff could free up GPs’ time and capacity, results from a pilot project in Scotland have shown.…
More GP surgeries entitled to apply for pharmacist funding The application criteria for the Clinical Pharmacists in General Practice programme have been changed to make it easier for GP practices to apply for co-funding for a practice-based pharmacist.…
PSNC issues advice on how to handle GP criticisms of flu vaccination service Pharmacists have been provided with ‘responsive lines’ to use if doctors or local medical committees question the community pharmacy flu vaccination service.…