Patients are at risk of falling through gaps in anticoagulation care — but pharmacy can help The pandemic has brought with it big changes for patients who require anticoagulation, but pharmacists’ involvement means no patient should be overlooked, says anticoagulation pharmacist Frances Akor.…
Primary care network pharmacists to start delivering medication reviews earlier than planned in ‘window of opportunity’ before winter A letter from NHS England asks NHS organisations to speed up the return to more normal levels of non-COVID-19 health services.…
Evaluation of the impact of pharmacist polypharmacy reviews within the Govan Social and Healthcare Integration Partnership (SHIP) project Providing pharmacist-led medicines reviews to patients in one of the most deprived areas in Scotland to reduce the health inequality gap.…
Bridging interventions best for hospital discharge of older adults Interventions supporting medicines continuity in older people are most successful in preventing hospital readmission when they bridge the gap between hospital discharge and returning home.…
Pharmacy support needed early on in hospital stay for medication-related problems Patients in hospital need pharmacy input early on in their stay for medication-related problems, a study in the International Journal of Pharmacy Practice has found.…
A day in the life of a chronic pain pharmacist Once developed, chronic pain can last a lifetime, but Peter Farley, a chronic pain pharmacist, believes that there is scope to mitigate this.…
Pharmacist-led medication reviews after hospital discharge significantly cut chances of readmission Patients in Wales who had their medicines reviewed by a pharmacist after being discharged from hospital were significantly less likely to be readmitted within 90 days, compared to those who did not have a review, a study has found.…
Failing the frailest A new analysis suggests that thousands of vulnerable older people could be at risk because their medicines have not been reviewed by their GP.…
Tens of thousands of severely frail older people miss out on vital medicines checks At least four in ten older patients failed to receive an annual medicines use review at their GP surgery in 2019, potentially putting them at increased risk of falls or hospitalisation.…
Pharmacists could be expected to conduct millions of medication reviews, under NHS England plans Pharmacists working in primary care networks will be expected to play a vital role in reviewing the medication of millions of patients with long-term conditions, under radical proposals to improve the care provided in the community published by NHS England.…