The key to a bad hangoverStudies have shown that two key factors that explain why certain individuals are more prone to hangovers are genetics and gut microbiota.…
Pharmacy schools take a global route to solving world problems Three notable schools of pharmacy in the UK, US and Australia are working together to change education, pharmaceutical research and professional practice.…
Australia moves to allow biosimilar substitution The independent body that advises the Australian government about which drugs it should subsidise has taken steps towards allowing pharmacists and clinicians to substitute a biosimilar product for a biologic therapy.…
Free trade agreements play a dangerous game with public health Public health could be sacrificed in large trade pacts that are discussed in secrecy.…
UK bill to ban all new psychoactive substances New psychoactive substances are emerging more quickly than they can be outlawed, but a new UK bill is proposing a blanket solution.…
Tackling prescription drug abuse There are signs that strategies to address prescription drug abuse are starting to work but will an increase in illegal drug use be the payoff?…
The prescription opioid addiction and abuse epidemic: how it happened and what we can do about it Opioid painkillers are supposed to provide pain relief, but there is now a plethora of injuries and deaths because they have been heavily marketed and inappropriately prescribed.…
GPs in Australia urge pharmacists not to sell homeopathic products Pharmacists in Australia have been asked to stop selling or supporting homeopathic products by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.…
One in ten patients modify their medication to overcome swallowing difficulties In a survey of customers at five community pharmacies in Australia, 10.6% of respondents admitted to modifying their medication.…
Appraisal processes prevent patients from accessing new anti-cancers, report claims A report says countries that use a QALY formula to assess cost-effectiveness have less access to new cancer drugs compared with countries that use an alternative system.…