Royal Pharmaceutical Society
Elen Jones has been appointed to succeed Mair Davies as the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s (RPS’s) director for Wales.
Jones is currently RPS Wales’s policy and practice lead — a role she has held for five years. Between June 2018 and September 2018, she acted as interim director for Wales while Davies was seconded as interim director for education.
In February 2019, Davies announced that she would be retiring as director for RPS Wales in July 2019.
Speaking of her new role, Jones said that she was “looking forward to working with our passionate and driven team to deliver even more for our vibrant and engaged membership”.
“The positive context in Wales, with the upcoming publication of the new vision for pharmacy and the recent announcement of new funding for pharmacy training, gives us lots to build on,” she said.
“I’m hugely excited and honoured to take up the role, and I’m committed to ensuring that patient care remains at the forefront of everything we do.”
Suzanne Scott-Thomas, chair of the RPS Welsh Pharmacy Board, said that Jones would “lead and develop opportunities for the profession to improve the lives of patients and the public”, and added that she was “delighted we will be working together on this”.
Robbie Turner, director of pharmacy and member experience at the RPS, said Jones had been “instrumental in driving policy development in Wales and Great Britain” in her role as policy and practice lead.
“She already has extensive networks throughout Wales with pharmacists, other healthcare organisations, patient groups and the Welsh government,” he said.
“Her experience, combined with her drive and energy, will help us build our capability to deliver our mission and vision in Wales.”
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